NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Thoroughbred Breeders Queensland Association Inc. for 2023 will be held at the Magic Millions Sales on Sunday, 10 March 2024. We warmly invite all TBQA members to attend.
There are three (3) positions which have become vacant in rotation as per our constitution and require election of office bearers. These are the positions of Basil Nolan, Paul Knight and Scott McAlpine. All three plan to recontest their positions.
If you wish to contest one of these positions you and nominate for the TBQA Committee you should be; (1) a breeder; (2) prepared to give up approximately 5 hours per week to the TBQA; (3) happy
to attend industry functions when required; (4) able to attend all committee meetings (approximately 1 per month); (5) prepared to promote the Queensland breeding industry at all times. The work load is not large but it is a very important committee as it represents the most significant section of the thoroughbred industry.
Please consider your candidacy carefully for this committee.
NOMINATIONS ARE DUE BACK TO THE TBQA OFFICE BY CLOSE OF BUSINESS (5:00pm) ON FRIDAY 19 January 2024 via email with the original documents to be posted to TBQA, PO BOX 18003, Toowoomba, QLD, 4350