The Thoroughbred Breeders Queensland Association (formerly known as the Bloodhorse Breeders Queensland) was formed in 1949 when the Bloodhorse Breeders Australia was federalised, with each State becoming a division of the Australian body. It was renamed Thoroughbred Breeders Australia / Thoroughbred Breeders Queensland in 1994 with Colin McAlpine from Eureka Stud the President of both Associations (1983-96)
The purpose of the Thoroughbred Breeders Queensland Association is to promote and advance the interests of the Breeding Industry in Queensland.
Our ten-person committee is part of a network of kindred organisations from each state which, with the National body, Thoroughbred Breeders Australia, represents the interests of thoroughbred breeding throughout Australia at a local, federal and international level.
The TBQA maintains its own membership base to serve the unique needs of our State’s breeding industry. The larger membership base we have and the more breeders we represent, the greater our impact when we need to lobby various issues for you.
Over the years, we have played key roles in the management of Equine Influenza, resolving to introduce a vaccine for Hendra Virus, negotiating strongly with sales companies as well as working closely with RQ and the Government to increase the benefits and reach of the wonderful QTIS scheme.
We are consistently working hard to ensure the Queensland industry goes from strength to strength and we are certainly seeing the results of Queensland breeders both in the sales ring and on the track across Australia and internationally.