Dear Breeder,
Today I am writing to you to give you an update on the work of Thoroughbred Breeders Australia during the Coronavirus crisis and also to ask for your views so that we can relay them to governments.
The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging the way that all businesses function and this is no different in the breeding sector.
TBA has been in contact every day of the past two weeks with different arms of both Federal and State governments, ensuring that policy-makers are aware of our industry’s needs and requirements.
Those we are speaking to include the Prime Minister’s office, the Minister for Agriculture and his team, the Federal Department of Agriculture, the Treasury Industry Liaison Unit, and the Racing and Agriculture ministers in each state.
The most important point to clarify is that all the assurances we have received so far tell us that businesses that are involved in the care of animals will be considered ‘essential’ and allowed to continue no matter if more onerous restrictions are put in place on the movement of people.
We have also been given pledges that essential services and suppliers for breeding businesses; such as feed merchants, veterinarians, farriers etc will be able to continue on to ensure your businesses can be maintained.
You should have already received a copy of TBA Coronavirus Guidelines that will help you put in place protocols for you to protect your farm. You can find these here:
COVID-19 And Your Workforce Guidelines
For those of you who have your own farm, can I ask that you take a minute or two to fill in the following survey on how Coronavirus is impacting your business. This will give us some insight that we can share with governments and help them when they are considering new policy.
Click here to begin the survey
Thank you so much in advance and if you have any questions or suggestions please contact me directly.
Finally, we understand that there is a lot of information circulating at the moment in regard to COVID-19 so we've pulled together a brief summary and some useful links regarding measures the Government has put in place to help you and your business during this difficult time.
Government support measures in response to COVID-19
All the best,
Tom Reilly
CEO, Thoroughbred Breeders Australia