The review of the suitability of the national Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for the Land Transport of Livestock (the standards and guidelines) for horses is continuing. In February 2021, the Animal Welfare Task Group (AWTG) undertook initial consultation with key equine and livestock transport stakeholders on proposed changes to the standards and guidelines.
The feedback received has informed the development of a consultation regulatory impact statement (CRIS). The CRIS describes three policy options to help improve horse welfare during land transport and seeks stakeholder feedback on the impacts and benefits of each option.
The CRIS was released on Monday 19 September 2022 and stakeholders are strongly encouraged to have their say by midnight Friday 28 October 2022. View the CRIS and make a submission at
The Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) is leading the CRIS process on behalf of the AWTG. For more information please visit
The AWTG looks forward to receiving your comments on the CRIS.