Racing Queensland (RQ) has commissioned an Economic and Social Impact Study of the Queensland racing industry for the 2021/22 season. This study is designed to illustrate the magnitude and impact of all areas of racing in Queensland, and will serve as update to the 2020/21 Study. RQ have engaged strategic planning consultants IER Pty Ltd to undertake this project.
In order to complete the most accurate study possible, we are asking QLD Thoroughbred Breeders to complete a short 10-15 minute survey focussing on the spending associated with breeding a thoroughbreds in Queensland. The questions within relate to the costs associated with breeding a thoroughbred in the 2021/22 season. Noting that this is from an owners perspective ('owners' being owners of the broodmare/foal/yearling/weanling).
We encourage you click here to complete the survey and return in advance of Friday, December 2, 2022 to Rodney Brown at IER Importantly please note that individual information is captured by IER Pty Ltd and will not be published or shared with any other person - it will be only used in aggregate format. Please see below privacy policy for further details.
We may provide you with a call sometime as a reminder and to check if you require any assistance.
Thank you very much for your participation in this study.